Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ronda-ronda di sekitar Kota Bharu ( Part 2 )

:Asslamulaikum n slm sejahtera wat pembaca yg budiman sekalian....

    Pda posting kali sya akan  berkongsi kpda anda beberapa skyscrapper lg yg trdpat di bandar Kota Bharu ni . Entahlah tiba2 trasa bosan n tngan pon trasa gatal plak nk menaip...hahahahah...kalu posting yg lpas sya ad explain psal KB Mall , Bazar Tok Guru , n Hotel Renaissance...pda kali ni nk msukkan ape ea ? ape2 pon kita lyanzzzz......drama3.....hahahahahahehehe

 Intan Plaza ( Gambar oleh mekkelate.wordpress )

    Ni adalah slah stu apartment yg ad di Kota Bharu , berdekatan degn KFC n Hotel Grand Riverview n Ridel Hotel . Kalu dpt kt tgkt ats skali tu mesti best coz this apartment also near the Kelantan River besides u can enjoy Kota Bharu city at night.

 New Pacific Hotel ( Gambar oleh mekkelate.wordpress )

    Bangunan besar warna purple ni plak adalah New Pacific Hotel , bertaraf lima bintang . Lokasinya terletak di jlan Pengkalan Chepa , Kota Bharu .

Kelantan Trade Centre (KTC) , ( Gambar oleh mekkelate.wordpress )

    Bangunan berkembar tpi x srupa ni plak adlh Pusat Dagangan Kelantan . Tpi malangnya , bngunan sparuh siap sbb bngunan yg rndah tu xde kubah sprti yg terdapat dlm gambaran artis . Anyway , the building are save to use juz the dome are disappear maybe coz of hurricane...hahaha , juz joking . This KTC located besides Perdana Specialist Hospital , near Sultan Muhammad IV Stadium and also Perdana Hotel . The construction progress besides this KTC adlh renovation project Hotel Perdana .

 Kota Bharu Skyscrapper ( Gmabar oleh yuslila.wordpress )

    Ni adlh sebahagian dripada skyscraper yg trdpat di bndar Kota Bharu Kota Budaya n Kota Bharu Bandaraya Islam . Bngunan yg pling hmpir ni adlh bngunan Lembaga Tabung Haji , bangunan tggi warna putih yg dpn tu x thu bngunan ape skang , kalu dlu ctu pasaraya Hankyu Jaya , n then take over by Naim Jaya n then take over lg oleh The Store , pstu skang dh x thu jdi ape...tpi nmpaknyer mcm office . 2 bangunan kuning yg terpacak kt blakang Lembaga Tabung Haji tu apartment+Hotel Ridel+Pelangi Mall...tpi Mall nyer smpai skang x bkak2 lg...khabarnyer Mall tu x jdik bkak n nk wat bnda len , entahlh ape....anyway I likes this pict...

Smpai d sinilh jelah dlu my posting for this time...hopefully that all of you enjoy wif the pictures although wif short explanation . Maybe you can google by yourself or visit others website that are really help of the blogs that I know that really have a lot of information is's all from me...have a nice day